Tuesday 17 August 2010


'I think you have that slightly wrong, it should be this . . .' is not a sentence you hear too often. If you have sophomania or afflatus it is likely you have never heard this, it falls into that inxplicable deaf region in all hubris natured people's hearing. However, a quiet word correcting you is a great way to learn without loss of confidence, so coaches and teachers often use:
This is a gentle reproof, council or advice from a supportive figure. So if you are struggling with a problem even if it is as small as spelling or as big life I am sure you have someone from whom you can ask for admonition. You may even be in the happy position of being an administer of admonition yourself, but whatever your situation there are people to help.
To recognise these barers of admonition I suggest you thank your supportive figures.

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