Friday 13 May 2011

Does it sound nice?

My previous post has got me thinking, what is the difference between something sounding nice and something that sounds nice. Rather sounds like a riddle doesn't it, what I mean is the difference between something sweet sounding and something sweet to hear. Still not with me, well to reference earlier posts mellifluous is something sweet sounding but encompasses both things that are sonorous, like music, and things that are ment to ameliorate or ego stroke.
So, this leads me all in all to sweet nothings and empty words. Are sweet nothings just a gentle kiss to the ear with no meaning or is the meaning in the pleasure we take from hearing them. This is where I fall down unknowing . . .

My personal propensity is for seeing worth in you getting, or giving, pleasure whatever the scenario. Like telling a random person that they look nice, it means nothing and leads no where but it will make them feel good and lets you walk away thinking that you have brightened someone's day. Try it, always makes me feel good. Don't say you smell nice though, that doesn't go down as well.

What do you think? Do you see mellifluous words as sonorous nothings or sweet somethings? I hope you have enjoined reading this, as then to me, although it lacks content, it has meaning.


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